
Products that perform as reliably as a CFR, deserve equally reliable product support.

To own and operate a CFR engine, is to be a user of the preferred and premium test instrument for octane and cetane. This performance expectation is derived from decades of well-designed system upgrades and product enhancements. CFR systems and components are built to deliver unsurpassed operating life, from the robust engine crankcase and cylinder to the industrial grade control panels and accessories. With basic maintenance and upkeep, a user can expect CFR Engines Inc. products to consistently withstand the demands of today’s fuel testing environment and deliver the premium performance expected.

Genuine parts, valuable knowledge, and trusted product support.

Quick access to high quality genuine parts, valuable operation and maintenance knowledge, and support from trusted technicians are what a user needs to get the most value from their CFR Engines Inc. product. Use the links below to stay informed and connected with the resources needed to be successful with CFR products.

Technician Service

CFR products are designed to be serviceable with many components and systems accessible to the user. However, there are times when the service needed for a CFR product is beyond the comfort or capability of the user. From simple routine maintenance to complex unit overhauls, CFR Engines Inc. and its Authorized Distributors have the trained technicians to help. CFR and its global network of technicians have the factory knowledge and extensive service experience to correctly diagnose and resolve any product challenge.

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Tools and Documents

Proper operation and maintenance of a CFR Octane or Cetane Rating Unit starts with reliable instruction and guidance. CFR provides technical manuals and guides to assist users in maximizing their investment and keeping CFR products at peak operation. CFR also offers a full complement of special tools and maintenance instructions for more advanced care and service of CFR units. Users can only benefit from the efficiency and confidence gained through investing in the correct CFR tools and information.

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Product Training

Proper training is a primary component in a user being successful with CFR Engines Inc. products. A knowledgeable and capable user, combined with CFR product reliability and service support, form a comprehensive and high performing octane or cetane testing solution. A well trained user knows how to most effectively use the CFR product and maximize the capabilities of the instrument. CFR Engines Inc. offers a variety of training courses at the CFR factory where users can get hands-on product training as-well-as an understanding of the theory behind the procedures involved.

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Genuine Parts

Genuine CFR Engines Inc. Parts are the building blocks for everything CFR does. Significant effort is made to ensure that the design of each CFR part meets specific performance criteria and life-cycle expectations. CFR parts are developed to work together, so that the entire CFR system performs as expected. The tolerances, materials, and finishes of one part contributes to the performance of associated parts and the system as a whole. Whether the part installed while servicing an existing unit or the part is built into a whole new CFR unit , users can expect CFR Genuine Parts will deliver the long term reliability and performance that CFR products are known for.

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