Time and Fuel Savings with XCP Octane Analyzer

The Octane Analyzer upgrade option provides capability to run all four test procedures of the current ASTMĀ® Methods D2699 (RON) and D2700 (MON). With the expanded benefit of being able to now run Procedure D (Bracketing OA), users can capitalize on faster test results and better utilization of lab resources. CFR F1/F2 units with XCP Technology stand to gain significant time and fuel savings by adding the Octane Analyzer option to their unit.

Time and fuel savings are realized through leveraging the automation capability of XCP Technology and a fuel delivery system that is optimized for the test procedure. During an octane test, the system is managing all aspects of fuel flow and delivery duration to the unit. The system monitors the test and automatically switches to the next fuel when appropriate. The result is reduced testing time of approximately 20 minutes for a complete and certifiable octane determination. Similarly, the resulting fuel consumption is reduced to approximately 100 mL for each fuel (sample and two primaries).